Products Details
Product Name:phenolic resin Molecular format: CAS No:9003-35-4 Product molecular structure: 
Phenolic resins are used for low-cost partsrequiring good electrical insulating properties,heat resistance, or chemical resistance. Theaverage shelf life of this resin is about 1 monthat 21.1°C. This can be extended by storing it ina refrigerator at 1.6 to 10°C. Varying the catalyst(according to the thickness of the cast) andraising the cure temperature to 93°C will alterthe cure time from as long as 8 h to as short as15 min. Some shrinkage occurs in the finished casting(0.012 to 0.6 mm/mm), depending on thequantity of filler, amount of catalyst, and therate of cure. Faster cure cycles produce a higherrate of shrinkage. Since the cure cycle can beaccelerated, phenolics are used in short-runcasting operations. Cast phenolic parts are easily removed fromthe mold if the parting agents recommended bythe supplier are used. Posteuring improves thebasic properties of the finished casting.HOW TO BUY FROM US
5. Delivery documentation The following documents are provided with each delivery: · Bill of Lading, CMR Waybill or other relevant transport document · Certificate of Analysis or Conformity (if required) · HSSE-related documentation in line with regulations · Customs documentation in line with regulations (if required)1. Security Safety is our top priority. In addition to providing customers with information about the safe and environmentally friendly use of our products, we are also committed to ensuring that the safety risks of employees and contractors are reduced to a reasonable and feasible minimum. Therefore, we require the customer to ensure that the appropriate unloading and storage safety standards are met before our delivery (please refer to the HSSE appendix in the general terms and conditions of sales below). Our HSSE experts can provide guidance on these standards.2. Delivery method Customers can order and deliver products from chemwin, or they can receive products from our manufacturing plant. The available modes of transport include truck, rail or multimodal transport (separate conditions apply). In the case of customer requirements, we can specify the requirements of barges or tankers and apply special safety/review standards and requirements.3. Minimum order quantity If you purchase products from our website, the minimum order quantity is 30 tons.4.Payment The standard payment method is direct deduction within 30 days from the invoice.Chemwin can provide a wide range of bulk hydrocarbons and chemical solvents for industrial customers. Before that, please read the following basic information about doing business with us: Phenol-formaldehyde resin is prepared as follows: C6H5OH+H2C=O —> [-C6H2(OH)CH2-]n One-Stage Resins. The ratio of formaldehyde to phenol is high enough to allow the thermosetting process to take place without the addition of other sources of cross-links. Two-Stage Resins. The ratio of formaldehyde to phenol is low enough to prevent the thermosetting reaction from occurring during manufacture of the resin. At this point the resin is termed novolac resin. Subsequently, hexamethylenetetramine is incorporated into the material to act as a source of chemical cross-links during the molding operation (and conversion to the thermoset or cured state).
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