Products Details
Product Name:Tert butyl methyl ether Molecular format:C5H12O CAS No:1634-04-4 Product molecular structure: 
In western Europe, the second largest market for petrol in the world, concentrations of MTBE in petrol vary from 0 to 15%, depending on petrol grade, oil company, and country. As examples, 98–99 RON petrol grade (high performance, super, super plus) may typically contain 5–13% MTBE, whereas 92–95 RON grade (premium) contains 0.5–8% MTBE. The use of MTBE as an octane enhancer in the United States began in 1979. By 1990, the Clean Air Act Amendments in the United States required fuel oxygenates, such as MTBE at 15% and ethanol, to be added to petrol in some metropolitan areas heavily polluted by carbon monoxide to reduce carbon monoxide and ozone concentrations. Areas that exceeded the national ambient air-quality standard for carbon monoxide were required to use oxygenated fuels by November 1, 1992. Despite the clear benefits of using oxygenates, there have been restrictions placed on its use in many areas of the United States because of growing numbers of detections of MTBE in drinking water resulting from leaking underground petrol tanks.HOW TO BUY FROM US
5. Delivery documentation The following documents are provided with each delivery: · Bill of Lading, CMR Waybill or other relevant transport document · Certificate of Analysis or Conformity (if required) · HSSE-related documentation in line with regulations · Customs documentation in line with regulations (if required)1. Security Safety is our top priority. In addition to providing customers with information about the safe and environmentally friendly use of our products, we are also committed to ensuring that the safety risks of employees and contractors are reduced to a reasonable and feasible minimum. Therefore, we require the customer to ensure that the appropriate unloading and storage safety standards are met before our delivery (please refer to the HSSE appendix in the general terms and conditions of sales below). Our HSSE experts can provide guidance on these standards.2. Delivery method Customers can order and deliver products from chemwin, or they can receive products from our manufacturing plant. The available modes of transport include truck, rail or multimodal transport (separate conditions apply). In the case of customer requirements, we can specify the requirements of barges or tankers and apply special safety/review standards and requirements.3. Minimum order quantity If you purchase products from our website, the minimum order quantity is 30 tons.4.Payment The standard payment method is direct deduction within 30 days from the invoice.Chemwin can provide a wide range of bulk hydrocarbons and chemical solvents for industrial customers. Before that, please read the following basic information about doing business with us: Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), also known as tert-butyl methyl ether, a colorless liquid, is an aliphatic ether and volatile organic compound (VOC). It is moderately soluble in water and very soluble in some organic solvents such as alcohol and diethylether (ATSDR, 1996). It is a flammable liquid with a characteristic odor.
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